Odyssey Ronnix Gaul

The adventure begins when Ronnix is ​​amputate half of her heart this Sunday 11 June in the year of grace 2017, leaving him to go on the rails of a binary and hexadecimal know (I know, only the ancient Druids talk like that).
Soon his path was covered with mist, but the dream that echoes in his head for more than twelve moons is strong.
Crossing the Camargue alongside other wild horses, getting room and board at the gates of the fortified city of Beziers, he fell asleep in his distant itinerant coaches.

The next day, we can say that half of the Greek gods have conspired to darken hills-and-valleys between Labastide Rouhairoux and Albi. Ah ! Albi precisely.

A big building in Albi
natural attraction

After crossing Albigensian in Cathar country (not, no anachronism), he found himself seated with the devil himself, better known as El Diablo. Three times, three contracts he saw the limbo of perdition, one after the other. The good side of the devil has still allowed him know the great Fifi who had rubbed shoulders with other musicians such imps troubadours Motörhead, the nectar of the gods of rock was put.
He left without sesame.


In the light of the following blade, the journey between Brive and Limoges has weakened the guy to go hunting the Moors at Poitiers, or was it the Saracens, he remembered no more.
Lost around Pont-de-Ce, and there are actually many, wandering the country roads, Ronnix found himself a little piece paradise, the edge of a body of water (that will prove to be the Louet, tributary of the Loire) at nightfall.

Browsing Angers, the revelation ! He said that being stupidly Poitiers in the Poitou, Angers was in Anjou, CQFD !

Castle Durtal
Photo unchecked in La Fleche


Circulating again and again, for more than 24 minutes around Le Mans, not to find the direction of Alençon, Unfortunately he had to pay a tax of two imperial sestertii.
Meet the Normans in Normandy, our hero did some sightseeing in the charming town of Bernay to leave more beautiful to the coast and cliffs, Etretat, Fécamp and all intermediate cute whose Ypont. Majestic, Unfortunately no corner of town to spend the night, and, to the breaking point and the edge of despair, a sign for a lake, the Caniel, commune (no anachronism) de Vittefleur, saved the Batavian (yes Ronnix is ​​not Gallic).

Remaining in the Atlanteans coasts our traveler was informed by the reed that coaches might find to park in the locality, Wissant.
Filled huge range Lutéciens, fortunately at low tide, otherwise they would have been really tight.
The evening became the Batavian offer Ouzo (Greek aniseed drink) by a neighboring carriage, one Goth, or Ostrogoth named Manfred. The latter accompanied by his wife Maria, after a drunken amphora and an exceptional banquet (Roman pasta) spoke to him in Goth and informed that Health was said Yamas! in Greek (yes, I said well watered).

Last step before the great crossing, Calais. It happened ... Pas-de-Calais ! Everything eventually settle when he Devos new.
bottle filling, waiting for the ship that was to take him to Britain, Ronnix fell asleep ... He fell into a deep sleep and had the strangest dream… Il se trouvât chez les bretons et se réveilla avecLa Gaule 😉

Notes techniques :

Lac de St Pardoux ! Excellent site aménagé. Eau payante.

Lac de St Pardoux
Panorama lac de St Pardoux


St Pardoux tout court

La Flèche, eau potable gratuite !
Attention les ponts de Normandie ET de Tancarville sont payants : 3,20 €
L’usine de petits pains Pasquier est à Vron (oui ça existe, et je l’ai vue)

10 Comments on “Odyssey Ronnix Gaul”

  1. Aaaoooh c’est trop bizarre de recevoir une notification de Carnets de Routards m’annonçant qu’il y a un nouvel article !
    Mais ce dernier est juste excellent ! 😀 Quoi qu’un peu émue, j’espère qu’il y aura une suite depuis l’autre côté de Mor Breizh. 😉
  2. Congratulations Claire what a wonderful storyteller you do .rêve or reality? Ronnix is ​​it accompanied by the fairy Clairix his journey? good luck arrived Ronnix expected in the English lez. Domi kisses&Claude
  3. Hey you two !

    Looking again under the title of the article, you will see that this is a new author ! He already left little notes in the last articles’Australia and of Thailand, but here he promoted !

    Ronald is alone with TNT on the road while I finish my time in business. I join him in early August.

  4. But, more ! Ce n’est pas moi hihi ! Regarde le nom de l’auteur en début d’article 😀
    Tout ce que je tape sur un clavier en ce moment c’est du code 😛
  5. Excellent Ronnix le troubadour ! ta plume est désopilante, j’adore ! Merci et bon vent vers le nord, nous serons loin derrière toi puisque nous partons le 30 juillet direction les Highlands et autres contrées gaéliques…Kisses !
  6. De même .. j’ai cru Claire que tu avais changé de style. Quelque chose ne collait pas, et pourtant cet humour (décalé)sonnait familier à mes oreilles ( à mes yeux en l’occurrence). Mais bien sûr ! qui d’autre pouvait/devait écrire (légitiment) sur ce blog !

    Super texte Ronnix, tant de Gaulois de naissance aimeraient maitriser le gaulois comme tu le fais.

    Fais juste attention à ne pas prendre trop l’habitude de parler de toi à la troisième personne, le druide pourrait alors te préparer des potions toutes en couleurs (cf Axterix et le ….. à vous de trouvez 😉 )

    Take care

    Uncle Marc

  7. Alors en premier m’est venu le Combat des chefs, un vague souvenir où ils ont besoin de Panoramix mais ce dernier n’est plus en état. Après j’ai pensé au Chaudron mais c’est une autre histoirepuis au Coup du menhir, mais ce serait bien le premier, le dernier étant la même histoire en version dessin animé ! Si c’est de celui-ci que tu voulais parler. 🙂

    As for talking about yourself in the third person, it reminds me of the excellent dialogue early Mansions of the Gods !

    Asterix and the Domaine des Dieux

    Go Alba earth !

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