"Of the Valley, We see great things. The Summit of the peak, not seen that's small." Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Photo roche Kings Creek

Photographs don't pass you not but the night cold of these desert regions is there, starting to make itself felt when the sun shines on your day, you that read us from the old Europe. Last night we showed jackets and pants that we use this Friday morning 3 July, the sun warming us that slowly.

Nous reprenons notre route poussiéreuse et traversons la frontière entre le Queensland et le Territoire du Nord : voilà le dernier état australien où nous n’avions pas encore mis les roues – ah oui pardon et l’Australian Capital Territory 😳 créé de toutes pièces il y a une centaine d’année pour construire la capitale du nouveau Commonwealth d’Australie, départager Melbourne et Sydney s’avérant trop délicat – et nous rattrapons nos lecteurs français d’une demi-heure (+7H30). Nous allons rouler près de cinq cents kilomètres aujourd’hui sur la Plenty Highway et nos yeux fixent la piste la plupart du temps – enfin j’espère tout le temps pour ceux du conducteur 😀 – lorsque nous nous arrêtons pour une courte pause nous sommes tous les deux victimes d’une hallucination visuelle : devant nous, à travers le pare-brise la route continue de bouger avec un effet de travelling contrarié !

3 juillet 2015 | 11h07

RRR, welcome !

4 juillet 2015 | 10h48

In central Australia

Si les termitière saupoudrent toujours notre route, il en est une que nous ne pouvions pas rater avec ses près de quatre mètres de haut ! At the station open bush Jervois we fill fuel but will reach Gem Tree to buy ice and spend the night a little later. Several minutes after the sun goes down the moon for us a sumptuous sunrise subjugating us by its size and inundating us with orange light.

On Saturday 4 we cross the Tropic of Capricorn and arrive in Alice Springs where we do some shopping and walk in its friendly pedestrian street in the Todd Mall in the center of town. The center information confirms two things, the stars that we see for several nights in the sky are two planets that are rarely aligned well : Venus is the brightest, another Jupiter ; and for more mundane considerations : Ernest Giles Road track - first European explorer to set eyes on Kata Tjuta - is passable and we are therefore committed towards Kings Canyon, natural site that has been recommended.

3 juillet 2015 | 13h54

Giant termite mound

5 juillet 2015 | 15h17

Balade dans Kings Canyon

Après une nouvelle nuit au milieu du silencieux outback nous entrons dans le parc national de Watarrka et en arrivant à la station essence nous nous rendons compte que si la piste nous a économisé deux cent quarante quatre kilomètres, elle vient de nous coûter un pneu ! Un jeune homme vient nous proposer son aide – intéressée 😈 – et nous le laissons nous montrer comment utiliser le kit de réparation que nous n’avions encore jamais sorti contre un billet de vingt dollars. This is normally a repair made to last - we also have the spare second solution - but the tire was really worn out and we will soon consider changing the rear tires. We have not yet restarted it's the window of the chest that made his own and does not want to close. Dismantling in order to access the mechanical and dust make it back into service.

Finally arrived at the entrance of the canyon and our setbacks having begun the day well, we opt for the short walk to two kilometers within six rather than the tower at the top. The set is smaller than what we were expecting and the view should definitely be more impressive height, although in the ravine we enjoy the shapes and colors of rocks shaped by water.

5 juillet 2015 | 15h26

Roches de Kings Creek

5 juillet 2015 | 17h31

Young dingo at Salt Creek

We take the pretty road to the park and then branch off to the south. While we sit on the Salt Creek area for the night and begin to cook the meal, a surprise guest made us almost startled : attracted by smells a young dingo stands behind our seats. He did not look fierce and the, alas, already be fed by man - or should I say Homo stupidus ? – people will be leaving by its domestic dog looks seem to forget that it is a wild animal. The feed can bring nothing good, they get used - why bother to learn to hunt when all cooked falls from the hands of these bipeds ? – and when they encounter people like us who refused to give them anything they become aggressive. Our friend, we firmly ignorant, would rather still at the stage where he would play almost with us but seeing that he will have nothing, he left and silently disappears into the bush.

WordCentral Australia when you hold us ! Formidable, finally passed painful episodes Tasmania, Melbourne, Sydney, Bloomfield ... to be Boring, while there was still the bush bush and a little bush, lines (almost) infinite lines, ocher, red, yellow (not, no pink, although a little indigo night), green, change of tone ... But what happens in the world ? No idea, don’t care !

Welcome to the dangerous Northern Territory, country crocodiles, Taïpans et des Brown snakes (has seen any of them here !) Whew ! Safe for now.

A new album has been created, as usual photos of the article and others are visible in larger !

3 Comments on “"Of the Valley, We see great things. The Summit of the peak, not seen that's small." Gilbert Keith Chesterton”

  1. In the thousand (almost) Australia, owl !! I went to see the start of Ernest Giles Road, then my “street view” was not 4×4 😉

    Est ce que toutes les termitière sont inhabitées? Voir une en activité doit être impressionnant.

    Thank you for sharing !

    Mais que se passe-t-il dans le monde ? No idea, don’t care ! 🙂

  2. Les pistes vues par satellite ou peut-être même enStreet Viewsi c’est possible ne permettront pas de voir leurs défauts je pense ! Ici ils disent qu’elles sontcorrugated” : ondulées, comme une plaque de tôle. Si c’est petit tu ne le sens pas trop mais si c’est un peu plus gros tu sens que ta voiture va tomber en morceau ! 😀

    Nous avons vu des fourmis dans les termitières mais pas de termites. 🙂

    Thank you for following us ! ! 😛

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