I still left you stranded without advising ! After two months in May and June, I beat the records with four months without activity, puisque nous n’en avons pas vraiment eu mais j’aurai dû laisser un message pour signaler que le site n’est pas pour autant à l’abandon – ce que je viens de mettre en place sur la page d’accueil. 😉
J’ai eu envie d’écrire un mini-article suite à une virée lors du week-end du pont du 1er novembre bien que nous ne soyons pas partis avec TNT mais en voiture avec trois amis. C’est notre première étape qui m’a donné l’idée puisque nous nous sommes arrêtés pour déjeuner à Aigues-Mortes. Yes la ville que nous n’avions pas visité en 2011 à cause du prix de l’aire obligatoire pour camping-car. Finally no regrets because inside the medieval city has little to offer, it is small and not really medieval (our friends had visited during a reconstruction, which was bound to be nicer), nothing to see with Carcassonne. The walk around the walls and the view of the salt marshes with pinkish tones is what we liked the most.

The purpose of our trip : Nîmes – we appreciated in 2010 at the Feria Harvest – Paloma and especially the concert hall where we will see and hear the American rock band Ugly Kid Joe the 29 in the evening.
[next video – en recherche d’un logiciel libre efficace et intuitif ! ]
Une salle de taille raisonnable et du coup une scène bien visible, bonne petite surprise australienne pour le groupe de première partie : Dallas Frasca. Ugly Kid Joe ont été supers – quoi que concert un peu court à mon goût, deux petites heures – mais ont joué tellement proprement que je me suis demandée à un moment s’ils ne faisaient pas du playback ! 😀 Bref une excellente soirée clôturée avec quelques bières au bar-patio de la salle Paloma où sont passés Cordell Crockett, le bassiste d’origine du groupe et Zac Morris, un des batteurs depuis que le groupe s’est reformé en 2010.

Return the next day with a new tourist break in Avignon this time, off city which we passed several times without ever stopping there. I do not know why but that is corrected with a ride in the city and a climb to the garden Doms, with several pauses to admire the view on the island of Barthelasse, the town of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, the Fort St. Andre and of course the Pont d'Avignon… on which we will not go dancing. Not really want to pay five euros for walking on three very visible stones from the bank !

So we come over the papal palace and descend to its broad white spot. We remain a moment in the sun, contemplating the facade of the new palace of Clement VI and down to the deck and be lost for a moment in the lanes of which was the Popes city of 1309 to 1423.

A great weekend, thank you to our friends for walks !

technical PS : embedded responses in the comments are no longer available (it seems that it is moderately well for SEO) but you can use the @ symbol to quote an author (les noms des personnes ayant déjà posté un commentaire sur l’article vous seront automatiquement proposés). Cela permet en plus de prévenir l’auteur qu’une réponse lui a été faite (sans avoir besoin de vous inscrire à toute le fil de commentaire).
I just respond by E-Mail (Sybill) your nice message full of encouragement for us who will also take to their heels,good there is not nThis ,there's the job of prep, but there's still time ,(more 2018)
so full of beautiful meetings , good galleys (if the good times would go unnoticed and bland) and full of love for all the rest
We went in Vaucluse November 2010 where we visited including Rustrel and pretty Colorado !
I have had your email but very busy with my training, il m’a quand même fallu une semaine pour valider votre commentaire… Roh ! 🙂 Merci beaucoup pour celui-ci et tous nos vœux de réussite pour mai 2018 !
et préparez vous au passage non pas sur la lune mais d’année en une seule et unique nuit,faut qu’elle ressemble a un feu d’artifices …faites péter, faut que ça bouge
nous on s’y prépare comme on continue les prépas pour Mai 2018 , c’est que le temps passe si vite , là on à déjà réussi a rassembler de quoi partir en vieille camionnette (c’est déjà pas mal ) car si on n’arrive a rien de plus ,we already know we can leave with the craft of war that will buy,since the important thing is to leave
I am also currently doing now to start a forum , not on travel or the camper but …….. ecological technology , or I demonstrate that we can eat completely natural way while gardening without plowing, without chemical fertilizers, without pesticides ,fungicides and insecticides , and without tap water
short , I wish to share and extend my knowledge of these techniques I give hope to many people who have questions about the quality of their food and how to grow
and I will explain the latest project I have to bring the DC with my natural ecological techniques and even better than organic
all that to say that we are Pascale and me on the grill and prepare with joy and motivation our challenge that approximates more
you two more , and thank you for your answer
Lots of good things to both, donnez-nous des nouvelles de l’avancée de votre préparation. 🙂
le forum sur les techniques de cultures complètement naturelles et toutes acceptées dans la philosophie de la Permaculture, est enfin ouvert
voici le lien:
sinon ,notre projet de partir là ou on y est pas ,est toujours d’actualité, on se le prépare ,d’abord et surtout en essayant de se débarrasser de tout (y’en a 4 containers de 33 m3 chaque , et pas que du très beaux mais aussi un peu plus de pas forcément beaux et du pas beau du tout )
on compte la dessus pour réunir un max de pépètes pour connaitre ensuite le nid a roulettes qu’on pourra s’offrir (ne connaissant pas encore notre capital dispo)
for the activities we're going to win some morcaille, we already thousand and one ideas, some of which we are trying to develop and which will allow us to give to drink , and certainly eat the ogre of the road that will live with us and hopefully will not be too old and galley,
,we already begin to see if our ideas work, and it looks to take so , we already have 2 opportunities to survive, but we will still try other professional experiences , while remaining free of all and especially no obligations while remaining within the law, several arrows in our bows we will be helpful
I hope your internships or training is going well that you both have the …potatoes
I present to you and your man one year 2017 friendly full of surprises and joys, and beautiful trips
I hope you to my forum , that's good , I have yet many members, therefore
see you soon
Sybill and Pascale
Again sorry for the delays ! Among computer failure, Internet blackout and training in full swing, I hardly have time for my hobbies.
I registered on your forum and would visit more quietly when I had free time. There is added to our links page. 😉
Thank you for your wishes, We wish you success in your projects !
super , I have a member of more , is the big haggard that I have with this forum, that make me know , it's hard to start,
I must be zero at the robots lists etc. etc. etc.… to make the pub
but it also allows me to have enough time to complete and fulfill the
I hope your course ,you are not too boaring and the end of the tunnel is the tip of its nose to get you your freedom with certif or diploma in the key
when us , we prepare, we come gradually to get rid of our business , but there are so many (yet 4 containers de 33 m3 each and full arch ,and more than 16 months to start our challenge ,
there's also weighs,that weighs us, the morcaille , the flouse, dollars , the coiled, we need to raise , put aside , we go ticket by ticket , the stock does not meet even pocket and it will take at least each 8 I wear pockets,but we trust , already ,there with what one has , if nothing is added , we can find a small truck and not too old to be developed, So on that side ,you know you will leave, but it would be better to raise a small bonanza for minimal style bed made , shower, solar panels and not too many km on the clock
we even considering the heavy weight style bus, short , we dream , on , year, we hope, everything is done for
go over Claire hello to your Friend