New month, new life (especially for Mr., because for me a French interlude looms on the horizon), nous obtenons in Sofinummer or BSN (equivalent of the French social security number, without which we can work, more information about life in Amsterdam on the dedicated page), Monsieur his first interviews and we finally discover the surviving municipal bath of Amsterdam. He deserves me to dwell : searches on the Internet in French and English having yielded nothing, is finally in Dutch we finally find the address of a bathhouse, which seems to be what he says – many links have led us to restaurants, cafes and other places of night !
Input shy… and what a welcome ! Smiles, handshakes, yes you are in the right place, but all showers are taken, coffee or tea while waiting ? Oh your partner is French, do you want to be interviewed ? Pardon ? New smile, new handshake, Martin sheds light on the bathhouse Da Costakade, after serving us coffee. We are well in recent public showers of Amsterdam and it is taken much to make them disappear ! All the others have been transformed into theaters or cafes – that explains the links, but the will of a few volunteers helped that they are still standing today. In our turn to tell our experiences… who complete printed in the first edition of Badhuis in sauna Da Costa, I let you see for yourself :

Translation of the article Interview with customers of public baths :
Actually, they are still traveling : R and C. But they are free, these same “people travel” sometimes need a shower. In August, they made their first visit to the public baths on the dock DaCosta. “We have long searched the Internet”, explain. “All searches with 'badhuis' and 'Amsterdam' brought us to restaurant or theater sites. Anyway, We ended up finding. We are in a motorhome. This one has a shower, but it does not work properly (NdT : We certainly have a small reserve of water, but this is functional). We are therefore pleased to be able to come here. ”
They have already toured half the world (NdT : if he says !) Dutchman R and Frenchwoman C washed up in so many places. The Netherlands is not the best place for mobile, to find, who is back in his homeland. « En Australie, you just have to jump in the river. A Melbourne, you have public showers on the beach, very convenient. Quand nous sommes près de chez C, in the south of France, we can dive into a lake. In these countries, it is also much easier to park an RV. Here it is really a bad place for campers. Les néerlandais sont des obsessionnels du contrôle qui veulent tout voir parfaitement organisé. Just park your car somewhere to get the police immediately telling you to spend the night camping. But it is 20 euros per night (NdT : off season !) »
They have no idea how long they will stay in the Netherlands. R : “I need to get me some money. Small jobs or a simple job. Everything will be fine. I heard that the public baths remained open during the summer, for washing so we have no problem to us.”
Other milestone Gay Pride Amsterdam early, it strongly resembles the feast of the queen : foule, music, stands… except that instead of oranges required, presque tout le monde est habillé en rose, violet et autres variantes ! L’ambiance reste au rendez-vous 🙂
But ?? How does no translation of the article in which you are published ? What I want to translate your mythical sentences ! Already I'm a fan of all citations accompanying newsletters ! 😉
Big kisses to you
Or is this the lads first .. non more !!!
The newspaper photograph is fun, you are very.. ..pionniers er. Gender little house on the prairie What ..
For gay pride, I do not see where Ronnie on the photo !?
Gay Pride : A pink hat for the occasion ?