“TER No. 17494 to Marseille going into the station two way. We remind you that the persons accompanying passengers are not allowed to ride in cars.”
Sunday 28 August, it is 6:30 p.m., Ronald remains on the dock while I climb on the bandwagon. deferred start dates for new life. Marseille, Istres and I just spent a week to start my training CATIC (Adviser and Assistant Information and Communication Technologies). A start a little slow due to the absence of our initial trainer, replaced at short notice by Jean-Luc, unskilled trainer in ICT, but his sympathy and education make him an excellent successor ! A good introduction, with various topics : interviews hiring, the legal status of companies, some accounts. Strength training is also based on the agreement of the group, everyone has knowledge to share (through a forum created by the first day the youngest of us), and I look forward to business internships to immerse myself completely.
Week-face (CATIC the formation is a ODL : Open Training A Distance) ended Friday afternoon and I joined my sister in Nimes to assist in its installation (well advanced and now almost completed !). In the course of next week, I would join Ronald, who remained on the Coast, with a friend in La Roquette sur Siagne where he held specific details T'N'T. Once settled some administrative issues (end of my contract, etc.), nous repartirons cette fois-ci ensemble et dans notre nouvelle maison pour revenir sur Nîmes à l’occasion de la Feria des Vendanges.
Heureux de t’avoir rencontré au sein de ce groupe, avec chacun son univers, mais avec un but commun : cette formation pour rebondir dans “le reste de la vie” (ps : j’aime bien cette formule !)
a+ sur le forum
Eric C
On se voit sur le forum… et dans deux semaines à Istres ! 😉